Monday, November 24, 2008

God makes a way

Jeremiah 29:11-13 says this" I have good plans for you, not plans to hurt you. I will give you hope and a good future. Then you will call my name. You will come to me and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will search me and when you search me with all your heart you will find me." God is faithful and He proves it over and over to me. God has shown me that He never fails. That is an awesome God. This past week has been a trying time and not too many know because I just keep things to myself, but Jimmy's job was up in the air and we weren't sure what was going to happen with it and if you have ever been there you know what I mean when I was really stressed. But last night at church Pastor Dusty said something during praise and worship that really stuck to me. He said that why do we worry about the economy and lay offs and all the things of this world when we know what the end of the Book says. We WIN! The enemy has been defeated and Jesus already took those keys so we don't have to worry about tomorrow because we aren't promised tomorrow anyways but God has never left us alone. So today I stopped worrying and starting really seeking God and it's amazing how much better you feel when you do that. Worry will make you go crazy but praying will give you peace! Thank God for peace in the midst of a storm. But to make a long story short Jimmy called me awhile ago and he was going to find out tonight what happens with his job, so he called and praise God he still has a job!!!!!!!!!!!! But the only thing is that he has to switch shifts and work 2nd shift which is 3pm - 11p which really is the only shift I didn't want but you know God provided and He will help us get thru this. It's going to be a big change for the boys with dad working that shift but it's going to be alright. God is doing something and we just have to follow His leading. I found a song that I love so I wanted to share it with those who read this. Thanks to all who have been praying for me this week continue to pray for this change but like Pastor Keith always says CHANGE IS GOOD!!!!!
This song is awesome and i think that we can all relate to it. Thanks Sara for sharing it with me. Enjoy

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Everything will be alright

Well this weekend was an eventful weekend that will stick with me for a long time! Well to start off Friday we had a great time with family that came in town it was nice visiting with josh,sara and the boys nate and aaron. Kristofer and Kolton had a great time playing with them and emily. It was actually relaxing which was unlike the rest of the weekend! Saturday we had a Junior Bible Quiz meet in Ellettsville,IN. The kids all did great I was proud of them all, Kristofer did buzz in which I was very happy with that. Although he didn't remember the question after that , he still took a chance and that is all that matters. His team did place 1st so that was really exciting. Then after the meet I was getting ready to go do some shopping in Bloomington with the boys, and needless to say that didn't happen. I locked my keys in the car or should I say my lil man Kolton did! So we spent about a half an hour trying to get in but no luck there, so I had to leave my car and ride the bus back. Which I was really upset but hey it happens so I went with it. To make a long story short my friend Crystal said she would bring me back with our spare set of keys so she did and we finally got home around 7. Thru this situation that to some may not have been so big but to me at the time it was a big deal. But God showed me something today with this situation. As many of you know that my dad passed away in August and it was really hard or should I say it's really still hard. Yesterday when I did that with my car I really just wanted to pick up the phone and call him and see what he could do, because in the past that is what I would have done. My dad did everything for me and I really relied on that. And God showed me yesterday that even though my dad isn't here anymore with me that God has given me people who really do care about me and are willing to help me when I need it the most. Sometimes you get to thinking that you are in this alone but God showed me that I'm not. And then in Sunday School tonight our lesson was titled GOD HAS ALWAYS BEEN THERE. It spoke to me that so many times we think that we have to do things on our own but we dont' God is there and He will always be there. He said in His Word that He will not leave us nor forsake us. It's amazing how we can be in a crowded room full of people and still feel so alone, and to be honest that is how I have been feeling for a few weeks just alone. But I thank God for me locking my keys in the car yesterday to teach me something that I'm not alone. God has blessed me with a church family that just arent' people I go to church with but are just like family we are brothers and sisters in Christ. What could be better! I just want to thank those true friends who were there yesterday and not just yesterday but who have really been there these past few months to lend a helping hand or a listening ear. Not to brag on these but I just want them to know how much they really mean to me, Crystal, Amber, Viola and Sarah Thompson. I also have some family members that have been there alot for me to and I thank God for them as well, Hannah, sara. Don't ever take forgranted those whom God has placed in your path. thank you guys for being there!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Well it's been alittle while since I updated our blog but life has been so busy,I'm sure those of you with kids understand what I mean. Not much has been going on these past few weeks, just alot of house work, homework, and alot of fall activities. It's been a busy month and it's going to be like for awhile. But we are having fun with all thats going on. Kristofer is starting basketball again this season so we will have practices and games to go to! He is also doing Junior Bible Quiz at church and is getting ready to go to another meet in a few weeks. We are very proud of our kids and what they have been accomplishing, they make us very proud parents. Kolton has been doing really good in preschool and learning new things every week! As for the rest of us we are doing good, Jimmy is working alot of hours so we miss him, and I'm keeping busy with school work and house work and all that goes along with being a mom of two! But we will try and keep up on the blog better and we have a few pics of our newest neice a few weeks ago that we didn't post yet and we will have more pics soon!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Family time with the Taylor's

I know these are a few weeks old but I forgot to post these. A few weeks go Josh, Sara, Nate and Aaron came to town for the weekend. We got to spend some time with them eating dinner and letting the kids play while we talked. We all went to Kris and hannah's house. It was fun the kids loved playing together they all get along so well it's fun watching them play and laugh with each other all though by the end of the night they were getting tired and not so happy then. But they got to ride on the horse which they all loved very much it was fun being able to spend time with family because sometimes you get so busy and with the busy schedules, family that lives out of town you forget how much fun it is when youare all together. So here are a few pics of the kids enjoying their time with Uncle Josh, Aunt Sara and their cousins Nate and Aaron and of course Emily! .

A new additon to the Family!

Well we had an exciting day yesterday we now have a new addition to our family. We have a new neice LYLA JOY TAYLOR! Lyla came to us around 7pm October 14 and weighed 8lbs 6 oz. and was 21 1/2 inches long. She has dark hair and chuby cheeks but she is perfect. Hannah is doing great and Emily said she loved her and that she would keep her! Here's some pictures from last night i'm sure there will be more later on today! If you know me I love taking pictures.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Well some of you know that Jimmy had to have a catscan on Monday. He has been having very sharp pains on the top of his left side of his head, for about two weeks now. So he finally went to the dr on wednesday of last week and they said they weren't sure what it was and to get a scan of it. well he went yesterday and we got the results back this afternoon, Praise God they couldn't find anything! But his head is still hurting still not sure what it is. But they gave him a perscription and hopefully that will take the pain away if not he will have to go and get a follow up test but I'm believing that it's gong to be ok and God is faithful. I know we all go through things and it's really big to us but maybe not to someone else but I thank God that even the small things in our life He cares about. He cares about everything that we go thru and is there for us every step we take. That to me is an awesome God we serve. Thanks for the prayers and we will keep you updated but I know that it's going to be alright.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Exciting News

Well it's always exciting when your kids learn how to do new things on their own. And we are really proud of both of our boys but this is about Kolton he has learned how to ride his bike with NO training wheels! He is really happy about that , he started trying on Saturday with my neighbor girl and just took off and yesterday he learned how to use the brake, pretty exciting stuff. Then last night when Kristofer was doing his homework which he is doing great at school, Kolton was setting beside him pretending to do his too. It's the little things in life that makes you proud of being a parent. We wrote some letters on a paper along with some numbers and we had Kolton tell us what they werr(not sure if he could or not) and to our surprise he knew alot of them. Which is really awesome considering all of his delays that he has had in the past. It just shows to me once again how faithful our God is and how much He cares about the little things in our life. Well that's about it for now I just had to brag for a second about my boys.